Select the Correct UV-A brand for Your NDT Needs

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Sales and marketing people often tend to exaggerate and overestimate the capabilities of their products. Playing with words comes natural for some people.

It is your responsibility as a Level III or sourcing manager to ask the right questions before you have actually paid for equipment that does not correspond to your needs. Your internal or external auditor will soon ask for the certifications. Get them in advance. It is funny how in self assessed standards, like ASTM E3022-18 all vendors get straight A’s. When it comes to qualifications that an external auditor is required, it is too hard.

As a Level III, how many times have you heard the phrases: “We follow ISO 17025 but we are not certified” – “I think our products are explosion proof”. Well, you should know what your products can or cannot do and if you are competent enough, get certified by an independent body.

Certifications, auditors, scientists, competent Level III are the reasons people board planes, boats, and spaceships.

Ask questions about where the products you are buying are made. There is a reason FTC is paying more and more attention to companies that lie for products “Made in America”.

Ask if the Level III is acting as a distributor of a certain brand and therefore has monetary benefits from recommending a product.

It is in the best interests of the NDT profession to eliminate grey areas, institutionalize standards and have as many certified companies as possible so that competent people replace the old generation. Time for change!

Check out Labino’s audited certifications


Check out Labino’s lights tested to comply with ASTM E3022-18

Check out Labino’s lights tested to comply with Rolls-Royce RRES 90061

Check out Labino’s lights tested to comply with Airbus AITM6-1001